Real-Time Data for Real-World Decisions

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Real-Time Data for Real-World Decisions

Manufacturing relies on continuous production. Fast, accurate, real-time analytical insights are intuitively recognized as valuable. Many decisions must be made in real-time, so having real-time data will naturally improve those decisions. Actionable, up-to-date metrics create many new benefits, including:

  • Improved OEE and Predictive Maintenance: With real-time equipment analysis based on the most up-to-date data, maintenance teams can immediately determine the root cause of downtime and other inefficiencies—and even prevent downtime through predictive data analysis.
  • More In-Depth Performance and Quality Metrics: With an industrial IoT platform, real-time views into metrics of all kinds can be embedded into the production process. These detailed looks into performance across the enterprise enable new levels of quality checks and corrections—without slowing down production.
  • Refined Compliance Awareness: Manufacturers have different compliance demands, depending on their industry. Real-time data can consistently monitor regulatory alignment and immediately flag any conflicts. More accurate compliance and regulatory data can also help during audits.
  • Workforce Efficiency and Accuracy: Integrated data from multiple sources helps eliminate the manual processes of data collection, along with helping simplify and automate tasks that are prone to human error. Data is not only more timely, it’s more accurate.
  • Faster Decision-Making and Problem-Solving: The ease of data availability makes for faster and more informed problem-solving. Data can be accessed at any time on any device with internet access, so decision-makers always have data at their fingertips—on-site and off-site.
  • Competitive Advantage and Improved Management Awareness: At the corporate level, real-time data helps upper management forecast and prepare for both the expected and unexpected—from current process gaps to future strategic planning. Management is better able to make and adjust decisions based on real-time, accurate data.
  • Advanced Technology with Simple Administration: IoT helps streamline communication between the IT and operations departments across the enterprise, without burdening your IT team. With out-of- the-box connectivity and user-friendly capabilities, real-time data availability increases while reliance on IT support decreases.

Further reading: How manufacturers can capitalize on data analytics

Download Decisions at the Speed of Data eBook and you’ll learn how:

  • Manufacturers like you are connecting their entire supply chains—and getting more information on performance than ever before.
  • Real-time visibility can increase your production and inventory management.
  • Data accuracy and timeliness impacts time-to-decision, budgets, revenue and more.

This is an excerpt from the eBook sponsored by PTC.

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