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Artificial intelligence (AI) is a hot topic that is transforming industries across the globe. Many believe that by 2030, there will be two types of companies: those that embrace AI and those that don't. Our co-founder, Lucian Fogoros, recently had

Modern manufacturing has undergone profound changes in the past two decades due to the advent of advanced technology and the digital age. Among these changes is the move towards connected manufacturing, which is known as Industry 4.0. As a result of

In today's business world, the pursuit of insights is a central focus for enterprises. More than just a natural resource, data is fueling strategic decision-making and shaping the future of business. The Industrial Metaverse is an emerging concept that leverages

Industrial organizations are facing a new challenge as they generate more data than ever before. With the rise of the Internet of Things (IoT) and Industry 4.0, these organizations are looking to institute AI and analytic applications to transform their

Industrial control systems are often insecure by design, and operational technology (OT) environments are particularly vulnerable to cyberattacks. The increased connectivity between industrial and corporate networks, as well as the need for remote access for employees and third-party suppliers, only

Manufacturing companies always focus on downtime to improve processes and increase efficiency in a facility. There are many different categories of downtime, including downtime from jams, breakdowns, operator errors, and more. Machine setup is one area where downtime is manageable and

Improve availability and traceability A well known juice and beverage manufacturer wanted to incorporate Industry 4.0 initiatives to improve CIP performance and profits. • Tons of juices had to be scrapped due to residual chemicals found in test batches. • Troubleshooting quality issues

For four days, Formnext 2022 turned host city Frankfurt into the global capital of industrial 3D printing. And this year’s exhibition was very much in tune with the times. As the coronavirus pandemic continues and new political and economic challenges

Multitasking makes work easier with podcasting. It is convenient, easy to get started, and highly engaging. Check out our lists of Top Manufacturing & IIoT Podcasts of 2022 and listen on to discover more of the podcasts’ benefits for your