Analytics at the Edge Virtual Event Q&A

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analytics at the edge

Analytics at the Edge Virtual Event Q&A

Thank you for your active participation in Analytics at the Edge Virtual Conference. As promised, here are the answers to the questions we did not get to during the LIVE event we hosted on November 16, 2022.

Q1. Why do you use Kubernetes and not docker-compose? Any advantages? Is IIoT core a software component deployed in the gateway or running in the cloud?

Answer: We use Kubernetes as infrastructure to run and manage multiple containers at the same time, which brings scalability and deployment across multiple servers. Other values of having Kubernetes are auto-scaling, ease of rollouts and rollbacks, automated deployment, etc.

There are two components in our IIoT offering: IIoT Core (platform) and IIoT Gateway (edge device).  IIoT Core is hardware-agnostic software that can be deployed in either cloud or on-prem servers. IIoT Gateway is also hardware-agnostic software that can be deployed in edge devices such as gateway, laptops, etc.

See the following for hardware requirements:

– Install and configure IIoT Core Services
– Install and provision an IIoT Gateway

Q2. Are your IIoT gateways supporting data inputs from the sensor’s analog 4 mA – 20 mA output interfaces?

Answer: IIoT Gateway is hardware agnostic software that can be deployed in edge devices such as gateway, laptop, etc.

See the following for hardware requirements:

– Install and provision an IIoT Gateway

Q3. For Passive non-real-time data collection in Industrial Environment production sensors, do you have from your Platform (Cloud or Edge) ready applications to display data and generate Graphs, data log in CSV format, etc.?

Answer: Pentaho Business Analytics tool can display data in the formats you mentioned and as well as PDF format.

See ‘Analyzer’, ‘Dashboard Designer’, and ‘Interactive Reports’ for more details.

Q4. How do you manage certificates between leaf nodes i.e. Sensors, actuators, Machines etc., and also into your management App in the localized Edge environment?

Answer: We utilize certificate management tools specific to a customer’s needs.

Q5. Do all devices have a digital twin? How does the digital twin enhance the data?

Answer: They can but they don’t need to in order to leverage the data. The digital twin can enhance the data through calculations and creating and comparing synthetic data from the simulator input. This makes the model accuracy better.

Q6. Is MQTT mandatory for Industrial sensor data collection?

Answer: No, we handle many types of connectors both open and proprietary.

We provide 100+ OT connectors.

See the following for more details:


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