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The Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) has revolutionized the way industries operate, enabling businesses to collect and analyze data from their operations in real-time. However, managing and analyzing data from diverse sources can be a challenge. While sensors and systems

The recent “Navigating the Data Tsunami: The Rise of IIoT Sensors in Industry 4.0” session at IIoT World Manufacturing Days highlighted insights into the transformative power of time series data and advanced data analytics in manufacturing. This follow-up interview delves

Discover how Abrasive Technology, a leader in super-abrasive tooling and coatings, revolutionized its manufacturing processes with Node-RED. This case study delves into the challenges, solutions, and impressive results achieved by integrating this versatile low-code tool. Download the full case study

Renewable energy is more important than ever, so integrating advanced technologies is pivotal for enhancing efficiency and reliability. Among these technologies, time series databases, particularly InfluxDB, are proving instrumental. This article delves into how the renewable energy sector uses time

In today's fast-paced industrial landscape, manufacturers are constantly seeking ways to stay ahead by optimizing processes and embracing new technologies. For a successful IIoT transformation, it's essential to bridge the gap between IT (business data) and OT (factory equipment data). This

MAJiK Systems creates software that helps manufacturing and industrial engineering companies improve their factory operations using data-driven manufacturing methods. The company designs a full suite of Visual Factory tools that use data from the machines themselves to power AI-driven insights. The

Industrial cybersecurity is increasingly about data and connectivity, transcending traditional boundaries to address what were once futuristic concepts under Industry 4.0. This interview during Hannover Messe with Johannes Goldbach, Director, Keyfactor, focuses on ICS cybersecurity. He explains that there is a

In this interview, Anthony Loy, VP of Industrial Digital Transformation Consulting Schneider Electric, talks about the company's approach to digital transformation in manufacturing. Here are the key insights: Schneider's Digital Transformation Consultant Practice Schneider Electric's Digital Transformation Consultant Practice was established to help industrial clients accelerate

At this year's Hannover Messe, Philippe Rambach, Schneider Electric's Chief AI Officer, highlighted the immense potential of artificial intelligence in revolutionizing sustainability across various industries. In this interview, Philippe delves into how AI significantly reduces environmental impact and elevates operational