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Renewable resources are good for the environment and reduce consumer costs but they are not a panacea to reducing electric grid cyber threats despite the prevailing view by many that renewable resources can reduce the cyber threat to electric utilities. I

IIoT or Industrial IoT (Internet of Things) is everywhere. It’s across all industries, from high tech transport, to natural resources and governments. IIoT software and hardware is deployed for numerous, varying applications, and it’s critical to understand just what the

Throughout history, regional and municipal governments have used new technologies to improve the lives of their citizens. The aqueducts of Rome brought outside sources of water into the city, enhancing both public and private facilities. The London Underground, the first

The Internet of Things (IoT) and the Industrial Internet of things (IIoT) have reached a stage where the hype has now started to see the reality. Every day, we get to hear about new and innovative use cases of IoT

As a concept, ‘ smart city ’ has been on the agenda for the last decade to make the cities more productive, more sustainable and ‘smarter.’ According to a survey, annual technology investments in cities will be USD 34.4 billion

IBM, Cisco, and GE are pushing the IIoT as a major revolution in how marketing and manufacturing is done. The IIoT demands nearly 100% uptime all the time, and the only way to make sure you get that, is with

A growing number of commercial and private buildings are incorporating smart technology in their design and daily operations. Smart buildings bring a wide-range of conveniences to property managers, but the Internet of Things (IoT) technology that allows buildings and devices

A lot of big companies are creating “Innovation Labs” to generate IIoT platforms. We talk to them every day. Yet we see precious few successful IIoT systems ever delivered by these centralized teams. It’s not a problem of smarts or

The measurement of a civilization can be made in its fields and among its crops. Agricultural technology advancements move nations, and provide a basis for extended growth of every aspect of its existence. Despite the ancient nature of farming, technologies