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IoT has dominated the technology discussion in recent years, inspiring the imagination of the media, politics and the economy. While there was a lot of talk of possibilities and use case scenarios during this time, many companies are still struggling

The uniqueness of the a2i2 Industry 4.0 Insight Assessment … It places into context the pain points and opportunities in your business that must be resolved for achieving competitive advantage, strategic performance and business resilience. Leaders are looking for insights

Regardless of whether you are retrofitting or purchasing new IT systems to remain competitive in manfacturing, you should develop a digitized, data-driven production strategy based on Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT). It’s important to recognize the collection and storage of production-relevant

Industrial Digital Transformation is happening, but the reality is that most companies are handling data on paper. To think about analytics on the shop floor, one of the first things to be done is to automate not only the process, but the data collection and

Currently, many companies view digital transformation as being technology-driven. Machine learning, cloud architecture, microservices, augmented reality, and IIoT platforms are just some of the technologies driving endless discussion among end users as well as fierce competition among solution providers. Often

Over the past 10 years we’ve watched cloud computing come of age as more and more companies send their data to the cloud for processing, storage, and management rather than keeping that data on a local server or Edge gateway.

After years of high and rising oil prices, the latest drastic drop in Oil prices put indebted Oil and Gas companies on credit rating agencies watch lists and resulted in some oil and gas companies going the traditional route of

As a concept, ‘ smart city ’ has been on the agenda for the last decade to make the cities more productive, more sustainable and ‘smarter.’ According to a survey, annual technology investments in cities will be USD 34.4 billion

It is still early innings for the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), and the fourth industrial revolution has barely begun, yet organizations without a digital strategy are already falling behind. This trend toward more connectivity, data, computing, and technology will