[Survey Results] Building IIoT Systems: Trends and Technology Adoption

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[Survey Results] Building IIoT Systems: Trends and Technology Adoption

Many companies have begun or are planning to begin IIoT projects. Industries are looking at modernization as a way to improve operational efficiency, minimize downtime, reduce costs, and be more flexible and responsive to changing market conditions. IIoT projects have become essential to the long-term competitiveness of these companies.

To gain a better understanding of how companies are implementing their IIoT projects, last month we conducted a survey of IIoT World community members.


• Nearly 62% of the companies surveyed have already deployed or are in the process of implementing an IIoT strategy. 23% of the companies are still researching IIoT solutions and just over 15% have developed a PoC.

• Increased operational efficiency is the top benefit companies (60%) expect to gain from their IIoT systems.

• At present, HTTP (55.4%), MQTT (50.3%), and Modbus (45.9%) are the most commonly used protocols for connecting equipment. MQTT (50.3%) and HTTP (47.8%) are considered integral for fulfilling IIoT strategies.

• Microsoft Azure (26.1%) is the leading cloud provider for IIoT systems, followed by Amazon Web Services (18.5%), and self-hosted data centers (17.8%).

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Overall, the industry appears to be embracing IIoT technologies and moving towards full implementation and deployment of IIoT solutions. Companies are seeing the IIoT benefits of their investment and project rollouts. MQTT has been identified as a key enabler for these IIoT projects and is rapidly replacing other technologies such as OPC-UA and Modbus.

This report was written and sponsored by HiveMQ based on the data from the IIoT World Survey. HiveMQ is an active member of the Sparkplug specification committee and markets an MQTT-based messaging platform.