Driving Sustainability, Energy Transition, and Performance through Digitalization

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Driving Sustainability, Energy Transition, and Performance through Digitalization

Energy transition and sustainability are now being woven into the core business strategies of industrial companies, who now have the mandate and opportunity to tackle environmental and social challenges. Companies that are more advanced in their digital journeys are already integrating sustainability and energy transition initiatives, together with competitive excellence, resilience and agility, and workforce goals, into a comprehensive strategy driving towards becoming a focused, integrated, digital organization.

Technologies like digital twin, cloud, machine learning, edge computing, IoT, cybersecurity technology, additive manufacturing, augmented reality, and more are enabling new business processes and obscuring traditional functional boundaries. OT, IT, and ET teams are growing their skills and capabilities and transforming real-time operations. ESG, governance and compliance, workforce and skills, customer-centricity, competitive excellence, servitization, and change management all need management attention.

Executives charged with driving transformation are seizing this moment to innovate and deliver real value. Call it digital transformation, smart manufacturing, or Industry 4.0, industrial companies are driving to innovate, transform, and accelerate the future. ARC Advisory Group’s Asia Forum for process and discrete industries is a not-to-be-missed event for all stakeholders – technology solution providers, end users, industry trackers, decision and policy makers, and the media.

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