Cybersecurity Tag

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Industrial cybersecurity is increasingly about data and connectivity, transcending traditional boundaries to address what were once futuristic concepts under Industry 4.0. This interview during Hannover Messe with Johannes Goldbach, Director, Keyfactor, focuses on ICS cybersecurity. He explains that there is a

In the fast-moving world of the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), keeping digital identities safe is more than just a good idea—it's essential for manufacturers dedicated to protecting their operations. "Fortress Factory: The Critical Importance of Cybersecurity in the IIoT

Welcome to the May 2024 roundup of IIoT and ICS cybersecurity events. This month promises an array of conferences, summits, and expos dedicated to exploring the latest advancements, challenges, and best practices in securing critical infrastructure and advancing industrial connectivity.

In this interview during the Innovation Summit 2024, Jay Abdallah, Vice President of Cybersecurity Solutions & Services at Schneider Electric, talks about the double-edged sword that technological advancement represents. While it undoubtedly propels efficiency and efficacy in operations, it concurrently

At the heart of the S4x24 conference in Miami, Jeff Brown, Regional Director, Operational Technology, Fortinet, shared his enthusiasm not only for the event but also for his upcoming participation in a panel at IIoT World Energy Day. This discussion,

At the recent S4x24 conference, Mark Toussaint, Sr. Product Manager Cyber Security at OPSWAT shared his insights about the cybersecurity landscape's evolving challenges, particularly in operational technology (OT) and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) environments. OPSWAT's engagement at S4,

In an era where cybersecurity threats loom larger and regulatory landscapes become increasingly complex, a pioneering partnership sets a new standard for operational technology (OT) risk management and supply chain transparency. This week, during the S4x24, I interviewed JC Herz,

In the face of evolving threats and heightened vulnerabilities, "Adapt and Overcome: Mastering ICS Defense Against 2024’s Cyber Threats" digital booklet unveils expert strategies for safeguarding your industrial control systems. This edition features insights from the leading cybersecurity experts who will

Welcome to the dawn of a new year packed with knowledge and innovation! As we embrace the possibilities of 2024, gear up for an exhilarating lineup of Industrial IoT and ICS Cybersecurity events taking place globally. Whether you're joining in