Daniel Elizalde

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About The Author

Vice President


The previous decade saw incredible advances in technology. Cloud computing, smartphones, and broadband connectivity are a few examples of technologies that started just a few years ago, and yet, they are now part of the standard toolset we use to


Creating a good user experience for IoT products is hard. There are more layers of technology, more users to please, and more teams to coordinate than ever before. Are you prepared to lead the way as a Product Manager? Throughout the


The goal of IoT products should be to product insights, not data. Some people even argue that the reason to deploy IoT products is to produce and collect all this data, that the data in itself is what provides the


Daniel Elizalde released today the episode number nine of the IoT Product Leadership podcast focused on how Industrial IoT is reshaping the energy sector. His special guest for this episode is Susan Peterson-Sturm, Digital Lead of Power Generation and Water in the Industrial Automation


IIoT customers often demand a fully functional, end-to-end solution. And, most products often fall short of “the last mile” to give these customers exactly what they need. To bridge this gap (i.e., close the deal, or satisfy an important customer)


As a Product Manager, we can’t keep chasing the next big thing all the time. It’s true we need to understand where technology is going, but we need to be more pragmatic and realize there is no single “killer app”