Charles Mahler

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About The Author

Technical Writer, InfluxData

Charles Mahler is a Technical Marketing Writer at InfluxData where he creates content to help educate users on the InfluxData and time series data ecosystem. Charles' background includes working in digital marketing and full-stack software development.


One of the biggest challenges of implementing a digital transformation program is integrating with legacy systems for data collection. Another major challenge is presented in storing and utilizing that data to extract business value. In this article, you will learn about


In the industrial sector, unplanned downtime can lead to significant financial losses. Predictive maintenance offers a solution to this problem by identifying potential issues before they cause disruptions. One crucial component of an effective predictive maintenance system is a time series


While most of the attention around AI in recent years has gone to consumer-focused applications like text generation and image creation tools, businesses are also adopting AI for more practical uses in the physical world. In this article, you will