Author: Bill Bither

  /  Articles posted by Bill Bither
About The Author

Bill Bither, CoFounder and CEO, Machine Metrics. Bill is an experienced software entrepreneur, and the founder of Atalasoft, an enterprise software company that sold to Kofax (now Lexmark). Prior to Atalasoft he worked in aerospace manufacturing.


There are several advantages of using an industrial data platform. They include: 1. Consolidated Data: In a data platform, data is consolidated in one place in the cloud. This consolidation means all databases can use the same service to render insights


What is the Hidden Factory? The Hidden Factory is a concept that refers to the unseen, or hidden, parts of a manufacturing process that result in quality issues or decrease the efficiency of the operation. What's causing this? It depends on the


With the arrival of Industry 4.0 and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT), a digital transformation is currently underway. The manufacturing industry is beginning to use industrial analytics driven by real-time production data, not only to make better, faster decisions,


Manufacturing managers maximize the tools they have at their disposal by understanding their shop's capacity. What is Manufacturing Analytics? Manufacturing analysis is critical for companies to drive efficient production and capture the highest profitability by better use of space, materials, labor, and


For most manufacturers, downtime is the single largest source of lost production time. Although some may acknowledge this, the cost and extent of manufacturing downtimes tend to be grossly underestimated. Determining the Real Cost of Manufacturing Downtime Most manufacturers are aware they