IIoT World Manufacturing Day Happy Hours via Clubhouse

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iiot world's manufacturing day on clubhouse

IIoT World Manufacturing Day Happy Hours via Clubhouse

IIoT World is taking the Manufacturing Day conversation to Clubhouse, partnering with Industry 4.0 Club and their followers to keep the conversations flowing. After a full day of conferencing, head over and join Industry 4.0 Club to debrief and unwind. 

New to Clubhouse? Clubhouse is a social network based on voice—where people around the world converse to share, listen and learn from each other in real-time. Clubhouse is invitation-only and is facilitating conversation through collaborative communication.

New to Industry 4.0 Club? Industry 4.0 Club was founded by industry professionals committed to connecting people with people and people with technology through communication. Our aim is to create an inclusive diverse collective of like-minded knowledge sharers and problem solvers.

What’s Happening and When? After the conclusion of IIoT World’s Manufacturing Day event, all attendees are invited and encouraged to drop in to one of our three Clubhouse rooms. All three rooms will be open from 6:00-8:00pm EST on Thursday, March 18th and will be presented by IIoT World & Industry 4.0 Club:Industry 4.0 Club-IIoT-World

Need a Clubhouse Invite to? Clubhouse is invitation-only, but we have you covered! Simply click here to access the Industry 4.0 Club’s website and get your invitation. Simply click on our pop-up, enter your mobile phone number, and follow the instructions to join. Don’t forget to mark-down the event on your Calendar!

Already on Clubhouse? If you’re already on Clubhouse, be sure to search “Industry 4.0 Club” to stay up-to-date on the latest trends, topics, and manufacturing-related news.

Authors: Mike Yost & Samuel Gibson-Gamache,  Industry 4.0 Club