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A database on the edge can open doors to enhanced IT and OT operations. The Internet of Things (IoT) and the Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) are no longer vague concepts. They are part of a movement that is transforming

What is OT? Understanding Operational Technology (OT) Operational Technology (OT) refers to the technology and systems used to monitor, control, and manage physical processes and devices in various industrial and infrastructure sectors. Operational technology (OT) uses hardware and software to manage

To keep up with the speed of digital business, more organizations are looking to bring together information technology, which manages data, and operational technology, which handles manufacturing and industrial equipment. Integrating the two departments can help improve productivity and boost competitiveness. Aside

Modern enterprises are faced with pressures for accelerated digitalization while effectively using data from and across their systems. Attend this session to watch a live demo led by industry experts and see how IT/OT data systems can be seamlessly integrated

To keep up with the speed of digital business, more organizations are looking to bring together information technology, which manages data, and operational technology, which handles manufacturing and industrial equipment. Bridging IT and OT departments can help improve productivity and

Know how an IT attack can impact OT, build clear incident response gameplay, and prioritize risks to ensure as little impact on operations as possible in case of emergency.  Well-defined maps of potential threats and impacts. One of the biggest

Since the mid-1990s, many industrial companies have interconnected their industrial control systems (ICSs) to improve productivity, maintenance, and safety in the operational environment. Some of this interconnectivity was to  the Internet.  While, this connectivity helped to improved the efficiency, security

IIoT and Industry 4.0 are omnipresent topics in today’s industry tradeshows and blog posts. A lot of products promise to help you achieve vertical integration of production flow and data and enterprise software like ERP. But usually, there’s also a

Since the mid-1990s, many industrial companies have interconnected their industrial control systems (ICSs) to improve productivity, maintenance, and safety in the operational environment. Some of this interconnectivity was to  the Internet.  While, this connectivity helped to improved the efficiency, security