Unveiling Six Pioneering Pilots for Urban Evolution

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Unveiling Six Pioneering Pilots for Urban Evolution

In an era where climate resilience is not just a goal but a necessity, cities around the globe are increasingly seeking innovative solutions to confront the escalating challenges posed by climate change and urbanization. As the global urban population surges, with an estimated 68% of humanity projected to dwell in urban areas by 2050, the imperative for sustainable city living has never been clearer. Leading Cities, a beacon for urban innovation, responds to this call to action with the launch of AcceliGOV 2024. This pioneering program fosters the integration of sustainable solutions within the urban fabric, ensuring cities can thrive in the face of environmental uncertainties.

AcceliGOV, a global program designed to propel communities towards enhanced sustainability and resiliency, provides no-cost installations of cutting-edge smart city solutions in municipalities around the world. These pilot projects address critical sustainability and resilience needs within urban environments. For the first time in AcceliGOV history, this edition of AcceliGOV will offer not one, but six distinct, globally-sourced and vetted pilot projects, each engineered to meet distinct urban development challenges.

Leading Cities is now extending an invitation to municipalities and private organizations alike to apply to one (or all) of the six AcceliGOV pilot offerings before the application deadline on February 29th(https://LeadingCities.org/acceligov). From environmental monitoring to public safety to waste solutions, AcceliGOV is delivering a comprehensive suite of pilots aimed at driving progress in essential city services and infrastructure. This initiative is a call to action for those ready to engage in a close partnership to customize and co-create solutions that will shape the resilient and sustainable cities of tomorrow. From city officials to leaders within private organizations, anyone is invited to apply for one or all of the six no-cost pilot installations.

Meet this current lineup of Leading Cities’ AcceliGOV pilot offerings:

1. Itselectric‘s Curbside EV Charging Stations: Itselectric is pioneering the expansion of electric vehicle (EV) infrastructure with its curbside charging stations. “Millions of drivers park their cars on the street and cannot transition to EVs without convenient and affordable curbside charging infrastructure. Itselectric chargers provide an easy and zero-cost solution for neighborhoods to rapidly scale EV charging infrastructure where residents are already parked,” explains Nathan King, CEO and co-founder. These installations provide a practical solution to the scarcity of EV chargers in urban landscapes, empowering property owners to become integral players in the burgeoning EV market and facilitating a seamless transition to greener transportation.

2. Carbotura‘s “Waste Regenesis” Initiative: Carbotura is redefining waste management with its innovative “Waste Regenesis” technology. This system goes beyond traditional recycling, transforming all waste streams, whether solid or liquid, into valuable, reusable materials. “These Carbotura Regenesis services have an immediate and multi-generational impact on communities by accelerating their transition to a circular, zero-waste economy with high paying jobs around the manufacturing of critical raw and advance materials that are vital to national security and resilience,” says Tyler Wood, Director of Circularity for Carbotura. This approach not only diverts waste from overflowing landfills but also recaptures raw materials, reducing the need for new resource extraction and minimizing environmental impact.

3. StrataSite‘s Emergency Preparedness Platform: StrataSite delivers a cloud-based solution that revolutionizes how communities prepare for emergencies. Their platform enables the swift development of comprehensive, coordinated response plans, ensuring public safety agencies and community partners are equipped with the tools to efficiently respond to active threat scenarios, enhancing community safety and resilience. “When an emergency in a community occurs, everyone wants the same thing—to minimize the negative impacts and resolve the situation as quickly as possible—StrataSite makes that possible through collaboration and coordination,” say Paul Schmelzer, StrataSite’s chief operating officer.

4. FLASH‘s Advanced Weather Forecasting: FLASH leverages state-of-the-art AI to predict lightning events with unprecedented accuracy. By providing essential lead times, FLASH’s technology is indispensable for industries and emergency services that rely on timely weather information to safeguard operations and lives against the capricious nature of severe weather. “The FLASH Weather AI pilot will change the way local governments look at the impacts of weather, transforming cities from reactive to all Mother Nature has to offer to proactive” says Jason Deese, CEO and founder of FLASH.

5. Syrinx’s EnPhytoBox® System: Syrinx offers the EnPhytoBox®, a sustainable and adaptable wastewater treatment solution that harnesses nature-based processes. “Our EnPhytoBox® uses the power of nature to clean polluted water for supplementing water supplies and supporting climate resilient communities,” explained Dr. Kathy Meney, CEO of Syrinx. Designed for versatility, it purifies water using a combination of plants, natural filtration materials, and beneficial microbes, suitable for a range of environments from urban parklands to industrial sites, fostering ecological harmony.

6. WEO‘s Environmental Insight through Satellite Data: WEO harnesses the power of satellite data and artificial intelligence to deliver comprehensive environmental analytics. Cities benefit from WEO’s insights into water management, the health of urban trees, and strategies to counteract the environmental challenges brought on by rapid urbanization, paving the way for smarter, more sustainable city planning. As explained best by CEO and co-founder of WEO, Imeshi Weerasinghe, “Reduce the risk of natural disasters such as flooding and wildfires and extreme heat by understanding and improving the quality of green spaces and infrastructure in your cities.”

Leading Cities’ AcceliGOV initiative is a groundbreaking opportunity for cities and private entities to pioneer the transformation of their urban landscapes. With the program’s six innovative offerings, participants are invited to harness technologies to move towards resilient and sustainable living. This collaboration will merge Leading Cities’ vision with local ambitions, setting a new standard for urban development and creating a blueprint for future generations.

 About Leading Cities

Leading Cities is an international non-profit organization that connects innovative cities around the world with the emerging solutions of tomorrow. The organization’s goal is to drive resilience and sustainability for all by unleashing the potential of the world’s cities. One of the ways they do this is by de-risking innovation for cities by sourcing and vetting solutions that will answer their most pressing challenges. The AcceliCITY program, which is among the top three govtech accelerators in the world, has sourced and vetted over 2,000 innovative solutions worldwide.