Industrial Transformation simplified with MQTT and Sparkplug
Virtual Conference sponsored by HiveMQ
Tuesday, November 10, 2020
11:00 AM (ET)
What you'll learn:
In this session, Dominik Obermaier, HiveMQ CTO & President of Cirrus Link, Arlen Nipper (co-inventor of MQTT) discuss the issues of transforming the software infrastructure of a manufacturing process to make it more efficient, flexible and interoperable. Dominik Obermaier will present the common architecture patterns modern factories are using for connecting OT systems with enterprise IT systems to enable factory digital transformation. He will highlight how MQTT can be used as the common protocol to connect OT and IT systems. Arlen Nipper will introduce the new Sparkplug specification that enables plug and play interoperability between IoT devices and IoT applications.

Key Topics Covered
- How to Integrate Automation Data with Industrial Messaging Protocols
- How to use MQTT in a mission-critical, real-time environment
- How to deploy an MQTT broker in the cloud or on premise and connecting OT data to industrial and business applications.
- How Sparkplug can break down the data silos in your organization and provide single source of truth that enables new applications, like machine learning and AI
Who should attend?
- CTOs, VP of Engineering, Engineering Managers, Engineering Directors, Solution architects
- Manufacturing
- Logistics
- Automotive
Dominik Obermaier, CTO
Dominik Obermaier is the CTO at HiveMQ. He is the lead architect of the HiveMQ Enterprise MQTT Broker, which is used in the largest commercial IoT deployments in the world with multiple millions of connected devices. Dominik is co-author of the book "The Technical Foundations of IoT" and is a
Arlen Nipper, President and CTO
Arlen Nipper brings over 42 years of experience in the SCADA industry to Cirrus Link as President and CTO. He was one of the early architects of pervasive computing and the Internet of Things and co-invented MQTT, a publish-subscribe network protocol that has become the dominant messaging standard
Greg Orloff, Industry Executive, IIoT World
Greg previously served as the CEO of Tangent Company, inventor of the Watercycle™, the only commercial residential direct potable reuse system in the country. Greg holds a Bachelor’s of Science degree in Environmental Science and Engineering from The Ohio State University, a Masters of Business Administration in International Business from Case
Lucian Fogoros, Co-Founder, IIoT-World
An entrepreneurial software engineer with global business leadership experience and a passion for digital transformation. Lucian has worked in the industrial software and automation industry since 1998. He holds a BSEE from Cleveland State University and an MBA in Entrepreneurial Finance from Case Western Reserve University. He has worked in various