Author: Praveen Rao

  /  Articles posted by Praveen Rao
About The Author

Rao is a seasoned Digital Technology executive with expertise in applying complex emerging technologies to Supply chain and operations. Over 20 years of proven track record in shaping organizational strategy, commercialization, digitization of business visions and operational execution. Extensive expertise in cutting edge technologies such as Blockchain, Advanced Analytics, AI, ERP and Internet of Things (IoT). Envisioned and brought industry and domain solutions to market. Owned P&Ls, lead GTM initiatives and partnerships in multiple sectors and industries spanning Technology, Auto, Aero, Defense, Retail, Electronics, and Manufacturing. Effectively lead large cross-functional global teams and multi-million-dollar initiatives. Won several awards including service excellence and CEO recognition awards. Qualifications includes BS, MS & MBA from top-tier schools including the University of Chicago (MBA) & Michigan Tech University.

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