Ihor Oleinich

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About The Author

Data Engineer, Sigma Software Group

Igor Oleinich is a Data Engineer and Machine Learning Engineer specialized in Life Science. With over 4 years of software development experience, he excels in Python, SQL, and data processing. Also Igor has 10+ years of experience with Data Cleaning, Transformation and Processing. Familiar with data architecture including data ingestion pipeline design, data modelling, machine learning and advanced data processing. He holds a PhD in Life Science from UNI Zurich with publications in peer-review journals (ACS Chemical Biology, ACS Central Science). Certified in AWS Data Analytics and Deep Learning Specialization on Coursera.


"In God we trust, all others bring data." William Edwards Deming In this article, we show the importance of interference between Machine Learning, Data Engineering, and Agriculture. The main problems that farmers face on an everyday basis, such as climate changes,