Denis Pasero

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Much has been talked about the trillion sensor Internet of Things dream, where machines, people and services will be connected wirelessly. There are already 21.5 Bn connected devices in the world [1] today, but most are powered through the mains.


It’s generally acknowledged that Industry 4.0 offers great opportunities for businesses to obtain and analyze data for use in predictive maintenance and improved efficiency. Companies are increasingly implementing IoT systems with the global spending on IIoT (Industrial IoT) platforms for


The rollout of smart cities is well underway, however, to make a city truly smart all the individual elements need to work together, not just independently. Connecting these elements is the infrastructure which, like the IoT devices themselves, are full


With Industry 4.0, the manufacturing world is embracing the very significant efficiencies and cost benefits to be gained through sensing, collecting and analysing data through many disparate sensors out in the field.  The advantages are clear: adopting IoT brings about