Chad Rissanen

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It’s been over a year now since COVID-19 became a major issue and forced business leaders to take drastic action. Thanks to consistent messaging, precautions such as wearing masks and social distancing have become common practice both in public and


It’s been over a year now since COVID-19 became a major issue and forced business leaders to take drastic action. Thanks to consistent messaging, precautions such as wearing masks and social distancing have become common practice both in public and


In the face of COVID-19, Human Resources departments have been met with the biggest workforce coordination challenge in recent memory. As offices and factories open their doors once again, business spaces are faced with two sharply contrasting priorities: there is


The onset of COVID-19 has shined a stark spotlight on a previously complacent attitude to workplace health and safety. Amidst spiralling infection rates and provincial lockdowns, long-standing workplace safety procedures have been strained under the impact of an invisible and