Author: Benson Chan

  /  Articles posted by Benson Chan
About The Author

The Internet of Things (IoT) enables disruptive transformation across multiple market segments, from consumer, enterprise, agriculture, healthcare, manufacturing, utilities to government and cities. Industrial IoT (IIoT), a subset of the larger IoT, focuses on the specialized requirements of industrial applications,


Industrial Internet of Things (IIoT) solutions offer tremendous and disruptive value for customers, but sometimes have the unintended effect of adversely impacting the channel that it is sold and serviced through. This results in slow adoption of IIoT solutions, even


IIoT or Industrial Internet of Things solutions, built on a cloud-based infrastructure, create opportunities for new business models and value delivery methods. While many IIoT solutions are usually sold as a “product”, many vendors are now beginning to offer IIoT


Parking and traffic congestion are constant sources of frustration for drivers, merchants, employers and public officials in cities worldwide. For this reason, smart parking services are top of mind with public officials, parking agencies, IT and innovation executives. Many smart