4 ways that real-time alerts are revolutionizing manufacturing operations

  /  4 ways that real-time alerts are revolutionizing manufacturing operations

[content_box custom_class=”equipment-row”][span6 custom_class=”equipment-row-span”]4 ways that real-time alerts are revolutionizing manufacturing operations

4 ways that real-time alerts are revolutionizing manufacturing operations

Routine maintenance is not cost-effective and can’t identify future issues that could cause equipment failure. And as a result, global process industries continue to lose about $20 billion in revenue a year due to unplanned downtime.

With little-to-no predictive data on why a machine or line is disrupting production, maintenance teams have no way to prevent downtime. They’re left to react to failures—and they have no way to prevent the same failure from occurring again.

With IoT-enabled real-time alerts, maintenance teams can easily create notifications to proactively monitor the plant floor.

Download the “How to Improve Operational Performance in Real Time” ebook to learn:

  • How to prevent unplanned downtime by giving operators the information they need to proactively prevent and correct machine malfunctions.
  • New ways to increase product quality and process innovation by helping troubleshoot and correct things in real-time
  • How to get instantaneous, real-time alerts that help improve communication and safety awareness
  • Strategies that provide an advantage over your competition by giving your organization more market-place flexibility.


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